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  • "silencerar" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Occupation: student/programmer

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Tuesday, March 18th 2008, 3:45pm

Some questions on Dolphin and KDE4 slowness


I've tried KDE 4.0.2 with Suse Linux, and found it extremely slow (even without compositing enabled, wich make things a lot worse). My computer is an AMD64 3500+ with 2GB Ram and nVidia GeForce 6800GS 256 Mb. Now I read on Bille's blog that "KDE 4: like a dream on 256Mb/1Ghz/Intel!" ( and I wonder, do I have something wrongly configured? because it feels like a nightmare more than a dream. How do you guys feel about kde4 speed?

And one more question, is there a way to tell dolphin to have less space between Icons in the Icon View? Because even setting all to small it just wastes a lot of space. I mean, can I configure something outside dolphin configuration dialog to do that? because telling by the conf. dialog I will have to live with that annoying wasted space :(

thanks a lot! :)