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Friday, February 15th 2008, 1:37pm

KDE 4 - its just the begining

having been a blinkered corperate user of technology for around 8-9 years using "flat" static and plain UI's for all this time (inc mac and win)

i finaly (2 years ago) started to play with the live cd's and found ubuntu was only realy rivaled by knoppix for stability but for functionality and ergonomics of the gnome interface, i found kde to be unstable and for me it struggled with beutification.

i think the new simple kde4 UI is very slick - although performance varies from machine to machine in a arbitrary manor. a few things need to be looked at by the community however thats the point is it not?
i have installed kde4 on my desktop and my laptop.

the laptop is capable of intergrating compiz-fusion and emerald and avant window manager (although this just sits ontop of the default panel for now, and so is not used) so i do get the WOW factor and showing it off is fun however my desktop says no......

I think this project has a long way to come once the community gets to have a play, but for now out of the box usability and beauty 8/10

every journey begins with just one step - lets get walking !