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Wednesday, August 8th 2007, 6:26pm

Need an Open Office Service menu


Most distributions I have used with KDE have Open Office Documents listed in the options to create a document when right clicking. However since I installed KDE base it doesn't have it on this distribution.

What Id like to know how to do is add items to the Create New sub menu. For example, say I am on the desktop, and I want to start writing an open office document, I right click, create new, OO Document.

How do I add that ?

I know I need to create a service menu, and that I need to make a .desktop file.
However I have no idea on what to put inside the .desktop file. Can someone post the contents of their file ?



Saturday, August 18th 2007, 3:47pm

Hi Christof999,

you need two parts to configure:

a) a sample OOo-Writer file.
Create a empty OOo-Writer document file (this means an document without text but created with OOo-Writer) an save it here:
/usr/share/templates/.source/ (this is the right path on a Kubuntu-Linux)

b) a desktop link
Go to /usr/share/templates/ and use one of the existing *.desktop files as sample.
If there are questions ask again btu it is quite simple.

This are a system wide change because the use of /usr/share/templates.

There should be a option to create such menu extensions per user. To do this you have to use the path ~/.kde/share/templates/ and ~/.kde/share/templates/.source. But on my system this don't work.


Saturday, August 18th 2007, 6:05pm

Thanks Alb for helping me out!

The part I am stuck on is what actually to put in the .desktop file. I see a bunch of text but it is confusing.

Thanks again


Saturday, August 18th 2007, 11:04pm

Hi Christof999,

you need at least the following lines:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=OOo Text Document...
Name[pt]=Documento de Texto...
Comment=New OOo-Writer Document:
Comment[pt_BR]=Novo documento do Openoffice:

[pt means] you local sign.


Sunday, August 19th 2007, 5:26pm

Thank you so much.
