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Monday, July 9th 2007, 10:58am


I used Gnome for a long time now (Ubuntu), but now I want to give KDE a try. Something I liked in Ubuntu/Gnome were the multiple panels on the top and the bottom.
So I want to create something similar in KDE (3.5.6).

On the already existing panel on the bottom I did rightclick and than 'Add New Panel' -> 'New Panel'. The new panel was created on the bottom, so I moved it with the mouse to the top.
Now the problem: I can't configure the top-panel. When I rightclick the top-panel and choose 'Configure' it only affects the bottom-panel. I can't find a way to configure the new top-panel.
Is this a bug? Or how can I configure the top-panel?


Tuesday, July 17th 2007, 1:12pm

RE: Panels

Strange. Try asking in #kde. (Open up Konversation.)



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Wednesday, July 18th 2007, 2:19am

Restart Kicker (the KDE Panel), by pressing Alt+F2 and typing

Source code

dcop kicker kicker restart

That should let you configure any new panel you add. (Repeat everytime you add a new panel).

It's a bug... :(
OS: Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | KDE 3.5.3
Computer Specs: AMD Sempron 2200 1.5Ghz | VIA KM266 Pro 8235 chipset | nVidia GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR-RAM 32-bit AGP 8x