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  • "Spider-k" started this thread

Posts: 23

Location: Bat-Yam, Israel

Occupation: Still at High-School :P

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Sunday, July 15th 2007, 10:06am

[Kopete] Offline Messaging

I'm just wondering, are there any plans to implement offline messaging for MSN in Kopete? Both incoming and outgoing? Incoming should open the messages received when offline when protocol connects, and outgoing messages should do the same on the other side, which is implemented in WLM and works incoming on MSN 7+..


Monday, July 16th 2007, 5:51pm

Hope to see that too! amsn supports it (and the camera works better there) but it looks crap! I like kopete and want some better msn support it in!
There is already a bug report:



  • "Spider-k" started this thread

Posts: 23

Location: Bat-Yam, Israel

Occupation: Still at High-School :P

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Monday, July 16th 2007, 6:16pm

A bug report? Heh, this isn't a bug, but merely a missing feature.
It would be great to have it still, I sometimes login through my friends' houses using Windows and WLM, and get many offline messages, from sometimes weeks ago! This could bring to alot of confusions sometimes :O


Monday, July 16th 2007, 7:23pm

the bug list is for wishes too (and it is one) :)
Perhaps its already in the KDE4 version of kopete. You could try out the boot-cd:
I couldn't get it started on my laptop. Hopefully the next nightly build will run again



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Tuesday, September 11th 2007, 1:40am

Yeah, please vote. I started a new thread by mistake tho I couldn't find this one... strange. This [kopete] msn live support for offline messages should be merged.

Anyway, please all the people who are interested in this feature,

Vote here! After registering on

It's not hard and takes only few sec, and perhaphs it will motivate kopete developers more to make with this feature into their next release. Would be great to see it there!


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "imachine" (Sep 11th 2007, 1:41am)