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Sunday, March 11th 2007, 6:29am

USB detection problem

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but here we go.

KDE does not seem to be detecting any USB devices. In prompt if I type more /proc/bus/usb/devices (as this page instructs) It shows that my ipod, USB drive and wacom graphics tablet are detected. When I start up KDE, however, nothing shows up. There are no icons for the ipod or the stick in the storage devices folder. I think they used to show up, but I haven't used the comp for many months, so I'm not sure.

What might be relevant are the instructions here, but I don't understand how you are supposed to "enable the following in your kernal" (If you haven't guessed already, I am new at this).

Well if anyone knows what to do, I look forward to hearing from you.