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Monday, January 22nd 2007, 3:22pm

Resolved: Konq + Flash + Java = pulling my hair out! Please help...

I've got an issue that's driving me nuts. I can't get flash sites to work in Konqueror. I've gotten so close but just can't figure out how to cross the last hurdle...

First I would go to a site that had flash and it would tell me I 'need Flash 7 or higher to view'.

So I installed flash-nonfree.

Then when I went to a site with flash I would get the white frame with fine gray border that's typical of a flash frame but that was it - just the empty white frame...

So I installed Sun Java 1.5.x (can't remember the exact version in my repos and I'm not at home at the moment to check but I know it's very recent).

Now when I go to a site with flash I get the white frame with fine gray border and in the upper left corner of the frame is a small rectangle that has a beige strip, a black stripe, and another beige stripe. I'm still a bit of a noob but I'm thinking the applet (is it a java applet?) won't run...

I'm fairly certain all the necessary plug-ins for flash & java are installed too since everything works fine in Iceweasle (e.g. Debian's version of Firefox).

I've tried doing a plug-in scan for Konq via the Kcontrol center and it does list the flash plug-ins as being found.

Per the Konq Java Howto, I've also made sure Java is enabled in the Konq settings and have tried pointing Konq directly at what I think is the Sun Java executable (vs the default path of 'java').

I'm running both Etch and Kubuntu and I'm having the same #$(&%# issue in both distros... I've even tried removing Sun and installing Blackdown thinking Synaptic might've missed a dependency or something during the Sun install but results were the same.

I'm at a loss as to what to check or try next and I would really like to use Konq as my main browser (what can I say, I'm a KDE kind of guy).

If anyone can help I'd REALLY appreciate it.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Malacoda" (Jan 24th 2007, 4:34pm)


Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 2:59pm

some websites don't work with flash, others do. same with java. so it might simply be the webpage (or koqueror) at fault, which is hard to fix.

i agree flash can be a mess. one time, you install kubuntu, install the non-free flash plugin, SUN Java and it all works, a second time, it doesn't. i'm afraid it's very hard to fix it... you might try adding another user to your system, see if it works there. if it does, it's something in your configuration (located in /home/[username]/.kde/share/[config or apps/appname].

good luck...
-=| life sucks deeply |=-


Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 4:34pm

Resolved - somehow

I don't know how or why but uninstalling flash and java then reinstalling them has corrected the issue. Don't know why as I repeated the same process I used the first time but it works

It got flash working in Konq, Iceweasel (aka Firefox) in Debian Etch - minus sound.

Then, via a thread in the Unbuntu forums I found that changing iceweaselrc to read ICEWEASEL="none" (again, aka firefox_dsp="none") to either "arts" or "alsa" would fix it.

Changing it to "arts" got sound working in Iceweasel and then enabling arts sound in Konq by checking the box above the plugins field got sound working in Konq - although there's a lag of about a second.

I tried using aoss (having installed all the alsa related items) instead of arts to eliminate the lag but that just really boogered both of them up so I switched it back to arts and am content for sound to lag by a second in Konq. If the lag really ever bothers me I can always use IW or Opera which don't exhibit any lag.

Hope this info is of help to anyone else having similar issues...
