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Sunday, October 29th 2006, 1:51am

How Can I activate the side button for Konqueror?

My side mouse buttons work perfectly to go back in firefox but how can I make them go back in Konqueror, I know its possible because Mandriva 2007 comes with it working.
Billy DeVincentis


Sunday, November 5th 2006, 9:22pm

I am also interested in this!



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Monday, November 6th 2006, 5:42pm

RE: How Can I activate the side button for Konqueror?

Me too. OK for Firefox, nothing with Konqueror, with a 7 buttons mouse. In the same way, how can i change the action for button 2 (or 1 or 3 ...) ? (kde 3.5.1, linux Slackware 10.2, kernel 2.6.14).
Thank you if someone knows about it


Thursday, December 28th 2006, 11:13am

I've checked the mailing list and this bug is apperantly wide known.
We only hope that this BUG will be solved in KDE4!

But in the meanwhile U can acomplish this using IMWHEEL which I suspect MANDRAKE is using for BACK and FORWARD.

Here's the BUG topic:

here some info I found about 'imwheel'
how to configure the left- doubleclick ?
I will have to look into it after new years when I get home

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ashrack" (Dec 28th 2006, 11:18am)