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Wednesday, May 10th 2006, 11:10am

[kopete] links

Hi guys, I've installed Kopete on an Ubuntu distro with the Gnome interface. It works well for me, but there is a little problem. When a friend sends a link and I click on it I get an error message stating that Kdeinit cannot open firefox. How can I istruct kopete or kdeinit to run firefox where firefox is?
Thank you



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Wednesday, May 10th 2006, 7:46pm

RE: [kopete] links

You can't tell kopete to use firefox directly, it has to be configured from the KDE control center. This seems like an ubuntu bug to me and you will need to contact them about it.


Wednesday, May 10th 2006, 7:57pm

RE: [kopete] links

Ok. Thank you