I installed KUbuntu breezy about a month ago. I had been using evolution as a mail client, but on KUbuntu it started to get more and more unstable to the point of being unusable.
I then switched to Kontact and I was pleasantly surprised at the functionality. It did more and it looked better. I pointed it to my IMAP in "cached" mode server and went to work.
Two things:
1. It wiped out over 40,000 e-mails from my inbox folders! How could this happen! Any hope for recovery?
2. Intermittently, it comes back to tell me that kontact cannot work because:
~/.kde/share/config/kontactrc is not writable.
A look at the file permision tells me it should be writable, however when I edit via vi it tells me this is a read-only file. I am convinced this is one of KUbuntu's many many instabilities, however it only happens with kontact (as far as I know).
-rw------- 1 bpasdar bpasdar 2861 2005-12-24 12:12 kontactrc
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,