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Monday, October 10th 2005, 1:55am

Could not find mime type

I am running Mepis upgraded to KDE 3.4.2 from Debian unstable. Whenever I open a kde application for the first time in a session I get an error message that says

Could not find mime type application/octet-stream.

I click on the ok button and the app starts.

This happens for every KDE application.

Is there a way I can fix this, it's highly annoying.




Posts: 1

Location: Nokesville, VA, USA

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Wednesday, December 28th 2005, 9:57pm

I had this same problem and found this thread by searching Google. Adding octet-stream (application group) to the list of known types in Control Center -> KDE Components -> File Associations seems to have fixed it.



Posts: 1

Location: Toronto (Canada)

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Tuesday, February 14th 2006, 4:05am

I found that a kded crash on my machine would generate this same problem and at the same time it would make impossible for me to add the application/octet-stream mime-type manually.

I tried everything above and then I relaunched kded (typing kded as me, the normal user, in the console). And it solved the problem


Saturday, January 1st 2011, 9:02am

I am running Mepis upgraded to KDE 3.4.2 from Debian unstable. Whenever I open a kde application for the first time in a session I get an error message that says

Could not find mime type application/octet-stream.

I click on the ok button and the app starts.

This happens for every KDE application.

Is there a way I can fix this, it's highly annoying.


Hello, this seems to be an issue regarding file association.

Sounds like an old mime application/octet stream association problem.

If you don't see octet-stream in the applications group when you click the add button, then add it manually.

Adding it to the file extensions should fix it.