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  • "ChibiSkuld" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Portage, MI

Occupation: Code Monkey

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Tuesday, November 15th 2005, 5:48am

random issues with KDE 3.5 RC1

Okay, I had no idea where I could contact anyone about this, so I figured the forums would be a good place. I tried the mailing list, but couldn't find any where to submit to the mailing list... <.<

Anyways, the 3 issues I'm having are issues I'm having. The first 2 are definite bugs, and the 3rd is just probably something I did wrong during compiling but I'm not sure.

1. I really love the new feature to lock the toolbars... but when you lock the toolbars and have the trash bin docked to a toolbar, you cannot empty it. (Try unlocking your toolbars, and drag and dropping the trash to it, lock it again, and then try "Right-clicking" on it to empty the trash). Granted it's not totally unemptiable, but this is definitely an annoyance and the only thing I see wrong with the new feature.

2. I have an SB Audigy 2 Platinum HD. Everything is working wonderful except arts as usual. I get popping sounds when I use "Full Duplex" mode, and my midi synthesiser (The one I actually use with an external Yamaha...:P") Doesn't show up in the midi configuration.

aplaymidi -l reports this about the port:
Port: 64:32 (all the others are below 3... this seems odd, but correct and usuable by amidiplay.)
Client Name: Audigy MPU-401 (UART)
Port Name: Audigy MPU-401 #2

Only the Audigy MPU-402 #1 port shows up in artsd. But it does show the other 4 wavetable channels correctly.

3. System Notifications.
This is the one I may have done something funky in the compile and may have messed up. But Some System Notifications don't work at all. They are configurable, testable, and working in Control Center, but when in actual event, some do not activate. System Bell seems to work, new application seems to work, but not things like minimize, maximize or desktop switching.
Could anyone tell me any reasons this may occur?


Tuesday, November 15th 2005, 7:27am

bugs should be reported to . There is very little chance that problems will be addressed if you just post them here.
