Hello all,
I've had some difficulty burning some data to DVD using k3b. The data is a single 4.3GB .dar file (.dar is file extension for backup data using kdar). After about twenty seconds k3b happily reports having burnt to the disc, though it evidently has'nt. I thought it might have something to do with this part of the output:
'found file bigger than 2GB. These files will only be accessible if mounted with UDF'
So, under the filesystem settings I enabled 'generate UDF' structures', but this made no difference. My other settings are 'Auto' and 'on the fly' I have already successfully burnt a 1.6GB and 1.3GB .dar file to the same disc, so i'm thinking it might be something to do with the file size.
k3b 0.12.4a
on KDE 3.4.2 Level 'b' SuSE 9.2
using NEC DVD RW ND 3500 AG
Any help appreciated-I'd like to back stuff up before I upgrade to KDE 3.4.3