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Thursday, September 15th 2005, 6:47pm

How to work with karamba ???

Hi to all ....

Really iam tired from karamba i think that i have right installed it on system i have Suse 9.3 Professional ....
but i didn't know how to use it and i can't found it in my control center
excuse me iam a new user in Linux ,....
If any brother from here explain how to install it and how to use it with pictures if u plz
With my love ,...
ThE MaJoR Come FroM ThE HeLL


Sunday, September 18th 2005, 9:43pm

If you did install it correctly then it should be in your K-menu.

K-Menu -> Utilities -> Desktop Widgets (SuperKaramba)

Superkaramba itself dosnt do anything however, you need to download themes for it to run. You can get some from or from the karamba section of

Once you have a theme open Superkaramba and click the Open.. button under "Open Local Theme" and find the .theme or .skz file that you downloaded, click ok and it should be up and running.