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Saturday, September 3rd 2005, 9:11am

'My Computer' icon on desktop does nothing-SuSE 9.3 *FIXED*

I recently installed suse 9.3 on my computer. For some reason the little 'My Computer' icon on my desktop doesn't do anything. Just wondering how I can fix it. Everything else seems to be working fine... yeah, I know I can get there from konqueror, but would rather figure this crap out and learn something.

Help me! My penguin is broken. ;(

-EDIT- Never mind. I figured it out. The desktop link was set for 'drives:/' instead of 'media:/' (I originally tried gnome then switched to KDE... apparently 'drives:/' only exists under gnome)

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "bigmetalrabbit" (Sep 3rd 2005, 10:44pm)