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  • "Esvandiary" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: West Midlands, UK

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Sunday, August 14th 2005, 11:50am

Floppy drive detected as hard drive...

The device icons on the desktop (and in "media:/") are normally useful, but after upgrading from KDE 3.3.2 to 3.4.1 (using apt-get and the experimental section of Debian) my floppy drive is apparently now a hard drive... ?(

I'm assuming the KDED Media Manager is at fault, as sorting this stuff out seems to be it's job, but I can't find any way to change it.
The only slightly odd thing I can see is that in the Properties of "Hard Drive (/dev/floppy)" - lol... - the mount point is "file:///mnt/floppy" rather than "/mnt/floppy" (I think it was like the latter example before, but I can't be sure.)
I've also googled for quite a while, but have drawn a rather resounding blank... X(

Any chance anyone with half a brain could point me in the right direction? :rolleyes:

"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila."