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Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 4:00am

Password Agent

First off, let me say that I'm a desktop linux newbie though I do server linux (read headless/console-only) since 199x. In my former life, desktop = Windows.

I'm still trying to migrate my behavior in Windows over to KDE. Here's one behavior that I need help on.

I use the software called Password Agent (URL here) of which PwManager (URL here) is the closest look-alike I found in the KDE world.

In Windows, I
  1. open firefox to say, and I get the HTML form fields where I enter userid and password
  2. press CTRL-SHIFT-P (global hotkey) to bring up (from systray) Password Agent
  3. scroll down to my yahoo mail entry
  4. ALT-TAB back to my firefox
  5. CTRL-SHIFT-Z to paste my userid followed by a TAB followed by my password followed by a ENTER
    [/list=1]Note: the data pasted in step #5 is configurable in Password Agent, on a per password entry basis.

    From KDE's point of view, is the above do-able? Is it something that needs to be done by the application (PwManager)? Or merely hotkey configuration on KDE?

    I would kill (or submit a patch to PwManager) for this.



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 12:02pm

That usually works automatically when using KWallet, i.e. it knows to which form the credentials belong.

Actually I think Konqueror is requesting the data by some kind of ID it generated when adding the information into the wallet.

Of course that isn't very likely supported in non-KDE applications, especially crossplatfrom applications like Firefox tend to ignore all freedesktop platforms integration wise.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 2:21pm

I am using Kwallet, storing my passwords to Kopete.

And yes, Konqueror when encountering a website requiring HTTP AUTHENTICATION, does defer/refer to Kwallet and both of them does everything automatically, without me lifting a finger. Good. Except for 2 points:
  1. It only works for HTTP AUTHENTICATION. I would reckon more than half of places I visit that requires userid/passwd don't use HTTP AUTHENTICATION, but plain HTML FORM and HTTP POST, like this forum, like Yahoo! Mail, like Gmail, like ..

    (Actually, in my first 2-minute encounter, I was sitting full of expectation that Kwallet would blow me away, by being so smart as to know that Konqueror is visiting a HTML authentication FORM and submitting my credentials automatically. But alas! That is not to be so.)
    (Can't blame me, with the spartan documentation of Kwallet and all)

  2. My main browser is Firefox, not Konqueror. My biggest issue here is the lack of Adblock, though I can be tempted with a Konqueror/Privoxy combo. But this is beside the point, I'll only say I am heartened by news abt hacking firefox to run native in KDE.



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Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 5:04pm


Originally posted by ivanl
It only works for HTTP AUTHENTICATION. I would reckon more than half of places I visit that requires userid/passwd don't use HTTP AUTHENTICATION, but plain HTML FORM and HTTP POST, like this forum, like Yahoo! Mail, like Gmail, like .

It works for forms too --- enabling the automatic form filling in Konqueror should fix it.



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Tuesday, May 3rd 2005, 6:07pm

Yes, should work for HTML forms.

Actually I wasn't even thinking about HTTP authentification as this isn't handled by Konqueror but the KIO slave for HTTP :)

Qt/KDE Developer
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Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 3:33am

Ah, but that would be "automatic form filling" (a feature that exists in most browser), nothing to do with a central crypto-store of passwords and other sensitive information (like CC numbers, etc) which is what Kwallet is.

My point is

With HTTP Authentication, Konqueror merely transports the data from Kwallet to the website.
With HTML FORM Authentication, Konqueror does it himself, using its own form data store.

With the latter, it would mean some of my passwords are with konqueror, while others in Kwallet or the equivalent.



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Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 9:23am

No, definitely accesses KWallet.

I have credentials for my online banking website in KWallet and this is a form with three inputs.

Whenever I access the page for the first time, KWallet prompts me for the password, lets Konqueror access the data and Konqueror prefills the form.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Wednesday, May 4th 2005, 3:39pm

Oh, it does?

If it works for your online banking site with 'normal HTML FORMs', then it should too work for Yahoo! Mail, or even this forum, right?

Let me relook into this, and do a proper test.

BTW, any doc on this behavior in Konqueror/Kwallet?



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Friday, May 6th 2005, 2:25pm


Originally posted by ivanl
If it works for your online banking site with 'normal HTML FORMs', then it should too work for Yahoo! Mail, or even this forum, right?

Yes, I'd say it should.


BTW, any doc on this behavior in Konqueror/Kwallet?

Hmm, maybe some kind of README in the subversion repository.
You can use to browse it

Qt/KDE Developer
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