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Monday, December 13th 2004, 5:41pm

kdar 1.3.1 in suse 9.2 pro/kde 3.3.2

Running kdar 1.3.1 in suse 9.2 pro/kde 3.3.2.
Archive works.
Restore of full archive works.
I am not able to restore a folder or file from the archive. I right click and select restore.


BEGIN RESTORE: Sun 12 Dec 2004 18:17:54 /KdarArchive/test3.1.dar
command line: dar -v -x /KdarArchive/test3.1.dar -R /KdarRestore -k -r

0 inodes (files) were restored.
0 files were not restored due to filesystem errors.
63 files were considered.
Total time: 0.271 seconds.
END RESTORE: Sun 12 Dec 2004 18:17:54 /KdarArchive/test3.1.dar

test3.1.dar has 63 files. I am able to archive and do full restore.
I selected a file called file1 in the .dar (highlighting byright click. It does not show up in the command and is not restored.