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blu fire


  • "blu fire" started this thread

Posts: 20

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Thursday, July 15th 2004, 8:24pm

Transparent program panels/ (if thats what they're called)

I've been looking for a while, but I haven't found anywhere which says how to get transparent panels for open programs. I'm not sure what they're called. For example, if you have a webbrowser open on a page with a title of "hello", its the little rectangular icon in the menu with the words "hello" on it.

How do I make these 'panels' transparent?



Saturday, July 17th 2004, 10:29pm

OK.. are you talking about taskbar? The "panel" where all the minimized windows go and reside? :)

As for now, untill kde-3.2.3, there is no way to make it transparent. You can make kde-panel (kicker) transparent, but taskbar is opaque and it follows the look and colors defined by the kde-style/colors you use.




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Sunday, July 18th 2004, 4:44am

alternatively, you could download a kicker replacement, such as kleardock, ksmoothdock or use a karamba theme.

You can find all of these at