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Tuesday, April 13th 2004, 9:55am

"Show desktop" button fonctionnality

Hello, I am french, and I will try to explain my problem...

I am using KDE 3.2, I am very happy it is fastest that older KDE on my AMD K6-III 550 !

My question is about the "show desktop" button.
Let's imagine I have Mozilla opened, and I want to access desktop to open my home directory.
So I click on the "show Desktop" button in the task bar, and all the opened application go down in the task bar. Every thing is OK. But when after that I click on my Home directory on the desktop, all the minimized applications pop up !

I thing it's normal because when we click the "show desktop" button, we can see that it stay "pushed".

Can we configure this to have the old fonctionnality ? i. e. click the "show desktop" button and all the applications stay in the task bar even if we open another application ( with a desktop link or other )

If it's not possible, how can I create a new "special button" which can do this fonctionnality ?

Best regards,
Cyril Haenel
Registered Linux User #332632


Sunday, April 18th 2004, 5:16am

I can't duplicate your problem here. I opened Mozilla and then clicked the Desktop Access button and then clicked my Home Directory icon opening Konqui, and Mozilla stayed minimized. I think maybe you have a preference set somewhere that may need to be changed. I have nothing more specific about where that might be though.