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Monday, June 9th 2003, 9:57pm

The quest for OS (X)


I'm new to Red Hat/KDE so please could I have some advice on how to get near enough to a mac os x theme.

Like this one,

I tried to install some of the other themes but with no luck. Does anyone know the location of a set-by-set guide?

All help appreciated :)



Friday, August 1st 2003, 10:37am

I tried to find that theme last night and I can't. Can you tell me where to find it, and I'll try to install it and then I'll post the step-by-step guide how I did it. :wink:
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Friday, August 1st 2003, 4:03pm


Yes, I may help you, but you have to specific as to exactly what you want.

Do you want to install icons?

Do you want to install window decorations?

Do you want to install styles?

Do you want to install splash screens?

Do you want to install color-schemes?

And so on.

In my opinion, all the above mentioned categories fall under themes. And all of them are installed differently. While you are at it, have a look at the Gorrila themes, (i.e Gorrila window decoration for iceWM, Gorrila icons, Gorrila color scheme and Gorrila splash), they are my favorites.
KDE Seeker.


Saturday, August 2nd 2003, 5:34am

I geuss Aqua Fusion isn't bad either.
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Wednesday, August 13th 2003, 11:48am

Ok, here are the themes I installed to get a very nice looking OS X desktop

Window decoration: Aqua OS K

Widget style: Mosfet liquid

I also use the color scheme coming with Mosfet's liquid.

It looks like the iconset I downloaded from kde-look is removed. I think it was OS X icons or something. Maybe there's some other Aqua iconset..


Saturday, August 23rd 2003, 1:03am


Original von g00se

Ok, here are the themes I installed to get a very nice looking OS X desktop
It looks like the iconset I downloaded from kde-look is removed. I think it was OS X icons or something. Maybe there's some other Aqua iconset..

Would you happen to still have that icon set around? I had to reinstall (hard drive snuffed it) and would love to get my hands on that icon set again.


Tuesday, September 23rd 2003, 7:53pm


Hi guys i want that u talk me about the "finder" post it for ronniebthatsme (in the screenshot)... Know anyone about this feature ? ... is possible get it ?

OK this is my question.

Bye ...
I'm ThEOnE