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Monday, April 28th 2003, 9:16am

pager and icons for klaptop


just two things....

1. Although i prefer KDE better than Gnome, i think Gnome's pager IMO is better than KDE's.
I like to have 3 desktops in my pager without the desktopnames or numbers. I can do this in Gnome, but not in KDE. I also like the option to drag windows from one desktop to another using the pager. Again, this can be done in Gnome, but not in KDE.
Anyone knows if there is any work being done on the pager from kde? I'm not a coder myself, so i can't help myself on this one :(

2. Does anyone know where to get some good klaptop icons for in the taskbar, because the default icons are not really good.
