I want them to die. and I can't find a way to change them all globally. You have to change them for each and every individually. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
I gotta find a way to get status icons similar to the ones trillian uses. Also isn't it kind of redundant to have 2 icons by each name?
why not have the status Icon reflect what network they are from rather than have a network icon and a status icon. It seems like a lot of clutter. very ugly clutter.
It's not that they are ugly per se, but on high resolutions the reflective effects look disturbing and e.g. the 'Online' icon looks (on high resolutions) like an evil grin :-> to me.
However, I'm addicted to the Noia Theme for KDE & Firefox & Thunderbird and would like it for kopete, too
I haven't seen that theme yet, mind posting a link?
so many themes so little time.
I'm working on a set of custom status icons just for Kopete. Now i just need to learn how the scripting works to make them override the defaults by what service they are connected by. Its a hell of a lot of work I'm sure, but something has to be done.