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  • "cyberpatrol" started this thread

Posts: 12

Location: Germany

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Sunday, November 30th 2003, 6:34am

Konqueror and middle mouse button (mouse wheel)

Is it possible to disable the middle mouse button (mouse wheel) in Konqueror?

It's quite annoying that always when scrolling through a website with the mouse wheel and pressing the wheel button by mistake Konqueror opens a new site and takes the word under the mouse cursor as URL.


Sunday, November 30th 2003, 8:05am

Re: Konqueror and middle mouse button (mouse wheel)


Original von cyberpatrol

Is it possible to disable the middle mouse button (mouse wheel) in Konqueror?

It's quite annoying that always when scrolling through a website with the mouse wheel and pressing the wheel button by mistake Konqueror opens a new site and takes the word under the mouse cursor as URL.

It's not exactly the word under the mouse cursor. The middle mouse button pastes the currently selected text (that's standard behaviour on UNIX and familiy). Konqueror up to KDE 3.1 interprets this action as
"Ah, the user wants to perform a google search for that text".

I couldn't agree more. I find this also very annyoing and only seldom useful.

The good news is that it will be configurable in KDE 3.2
(Configure Konqueror -> Web Shortcuts)
- You will be able to choose which seach you want (not just google)
- There will be a "None" option which is probably what you want.

BTW: Clicking the middle mouse button over links behaves differently:
It opens the link in a new window or tab. I think *that* is really useful. And it will still work in KDE 3.2



  • "cyberpatrol" started this thread

Posts: 12

Location: Germany

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Sunday, November 30th 2003, 9:04am

Thanks for the answer.
I see, in KDE 3.2 will be some very good and useful improvements. I'm looking forward to the final version.
But clicking the middle mouse button over links should be configurable, too, even if it can be very useful if the particular link is opened in a new tab or window.