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Friday, October 22nd 2004, 3:23am

How can I swtich languages

I'm using Kurumin 3.2 (a Brazilian flavor of Knoppix) which brough Kde and Koffice together.

My default language in KWord is Portuguese-Br. How can I swtich it to English when I need?? And return to Portuguese when necessary??
Thanks a lot.
Julio Borges
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


Sunday, December 12th 2004, 5:14pm

Re: How can I swtich languages


Original von jborges

My default language in KWord is Portuguese-Br. How can I swtich it to English when I need?? And return to Portuguese when necessary??

You are talking about keyboard layout? If so you can set them in Regional & Accessibility --> Keyboard Layout

You can swich clicking on system tray icon