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Friday, March 7th 2003, 10:27pm

OpenOffice vs. KOffice (vote)

Please vote which office software do you use:

OpenOffice or KOffice


Friday, March 7th 2003, 11:31pm

Re: OpenOffice vs. KOffice (vote)


Original von zenok

Please vote which office software do you use:

OpenOffice or KOffice

Well, I use both, but I can only vote once.




Friday, March 7th 2003, 11:52pm





Wednesday, March 12th 2003, 1:42am

KOffice doesn't seem as featured to me as Either that, or I just can't find the features and they're hidden somewhere, which means that the developers should them make them more conspicious.


Monday, March 24th 2003, 3:44pm

OpenOffice, for now

Right now my choice is OpenOffice. I need it's excellent Word compatibility. I will probably not switch to KOffice unless it improves its MS compatibility to being as good as OpenOffice's.

Ben Atkin


Monday, March 24th 2003, 4:48pm

What makes OpenOffice particularly excellent is its compatibility with MS Office - for those of us who have to work in a mixed system environment - and that OpenOffice is available on several platforms. I should wish, however, that OpenOffice would make standard use of Linux (KDE) resources like fonts and printers and user interface, the way it does so flawlessly in Windows.


Monday, March 24th 2003, 5:25pm


i use open office, but koffice is usefull because he is lighter.
lightwave is the best.


Monday, March 24th 2003, 5:52pm

I think that koffice is not ready to be use, it lacks a lot of features, of document rendering abilities but the toolkit of oo is painfull and use too much ressources.


Tuesday, March 25th 2003, 1:25am


Original von torkn

I should wish, however, that OpenOffice would make standard use of Linux (KDE) resources like fonts and printers and user interface, the way it does so flawlessly in Windows.

At least, I can help you with printers... :-) Just add a new printer to OpenOffice and as print command you use "kprinter --stdin".



Sunday, March 30th 2003, 8:12am

OpenOffice (I own StarOffice though :) )
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Sunday, March 30th 2003, 9:13pm

I use both with pleasure but for different purposes.
Openoffice or Staroffice for business (70%)
Koffice when I need a quick launch, and the text formating is not complicated. Improvements still need to be done, everyone knows it, and I am very gratefull to those that work on the project.


Friday, April 4th 2003, 5:38am

KOffice it is!


Original von Anonymous

KOffice doesn't seem as featured to me as Either that, or I just can't find the features and they're hidden somewhere, which means that the developers should them make them more conspicious.

Although you may be right, I find OpenOffice a trifle bloated compared to KOffice. Also, moving away from M$ paradigm is advisable since otherwise we are chasing M$Office 97 -> M$O 2000/XP whatever....all the time. KOffice supports M$Office documents and yet is very lean and innovative.
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Friday, April 4th 2003, 6:13am

I use for all the reasons listed above. :)
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Monday, May 26th 2003, 9:36pm

Actually neither. KOffice doesn't support MS documents, and in my experience, neither does OpenOffice. OpenOffice comes close, but it doesn't support them 100%. Also, OpenOffice is just too slow to be usable. I find it easier to boot back into Windows. Now if KOffice supported MS documents 100% then I would use it.

I just noticed there's no option to vote for "neither of the above".



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Tuesday, May 27th 2003, 1:40am

open office, but i wish it had better font compatibility...


Friday, May 30th 2003, 1:04pm

despite the mess openoffice creates on multiple users, I do use it.
Only, I'm wondering where KLYX is??
I wanted to install it for my mathematics - exam, like two years ago, but I couldn't find it.

I would appreciate if somebody know where I can download a tar.gz or deb-package.

Anyway, I'll write the formules by pen, the office work I still do in openoffice :)
I think Koffice is better, qua speed, qua multiple-user, but not qua features, but that's just time...


Saturday, June 7th 2003, 7:23pm


Original von stodge

Actually neither. KOffice doesn't support MS documents, and in my experience, neither does OpenOffice. OpenOffice comes close, but it doesn't support them 100%. Also, OpenOffice is just too slow to be usable. I find it easier to boot back into Windows. Now if KOffice supported MS documents 100% then I would use it.

I just noticed there's no option to vote for "neither of the above".

Better WordPerfect support would be nice to, I did some school work in wordperfect before I got comfortable with Linux and now I have no way of opening it without loosing formatting in Koffice.
OO.o is nice and its the one I use but it is also very slow, it doesn't match my KDE theme and it can't open wpd files at all.


Wednesday, June 11th 2003, 3:37pm

I use both, although for any new docs I use Koffice, but for opening microsoft docs I have to use OO as there is more compatability there. I like Koffice as it is allot faster than OO, and it uses less resources, unfortunatly it is a little feature-less. :cry: BUT and sure that it is going to get better and when it does I will be using it FULL TIME. :wink:
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Wednesday, June 11th 2003, 9:22pm


Original von lennert

Only, I'm wondering where KLYX is??
I would appreciate if somebody know where I can download a tar.gz or deb-package.

You can find it there : or do an apt-get install lyx


Friday, June 13th 2003, 1:21pm


Original von stodge

Actually neither. KOffice doesn't support MS documents, and in my experience, neither does OpenOffice. OpenOffice comes close, but it doesn't support them 100%. Also, OpenOffice is just too slow to be usable. I find it easier to boot back into Windows. Now if KOffice supported MS documents 100% then I would use it.

I just noticed there's no option to vote for "neither of the above".

Well, agree with you that neither K.O. or O.O supports M.O. very well, but I still refuse to boot into Windows for those little jobs, so what I have done is using Wine and running MS-Office in Linux to open documents that has macros, etc.
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