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Wednesday, May 28th 2003, 8:28pm

Did I mess up the install?

I installed KDE 3.1.2 over the top of a KDE 3.0.5 on a SuSE 8.0 distro.

Now, I got problems!!!

When I choose my User profile from the login screen (haven't tried root yet) I get a wallpaper screen with just a console screen. Looking through the scripts it looks like this is the failsafe for any KDE startup problems.

Entering startkde then starts KDE. The listing in the console then spews forth a bunch of error/warning messages. :cry:

Also, when I hit the taskbar item to start a KFM session for my home directory, I get the cursor indicator that work is going on but it stops after several seconds with no KFM. KFM for superuser works fine. Properties shows that the exec is "kfmclient openProfile filemanagement" Entering this in a shell causes the cursor to move to the next line, remain there for several seconds and then return me to a messages.

Thanks for any help.....
SuSE Linux 8.0
KDE 3.1.2
Always remember, you are unique...just like everyone else!!


Wednesday, May 28th 2003, 8:41pm

I fixed the KFM problem by editting the /~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement file. I deleted the lines pertaining to view2_* and retried. It worked.
SuSE Linux 8.0
KDE 3.1.2
Always remember, you are unique...just like everyone else!!



Posts: 39

Location: Belgium

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Wednesday, May 28th 2003, 9:26pm

when i upgraded from 3.0.5 to 3.1.1 a few weeks ago, it didnt really work out either, it´s like i had a half kde.
I found it a lot easier to install a distro with kde3.1 and to upgrade that one to 3.1.2.


Friday, May 30th 2003, 12:42pm

Did you run SuSEConfig after the installation?

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