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Monday, August 9th 2004, 3:19am

How to show a threaded QProgressBar on top of KDE

I am experimenting on an unofficial application that I added to
KDE, specifically to Konqueror source code.

This will perform download and upload over the Internet and SSL.

I would like to just place a simple progress bar that continually loops
while download or upload is being performed. No percentage, just indicator
to the user that the trasaction is taking place.

I plan to create a class derived from QThread w/c contains QProgressBar.
And plans to just show this just before download/upload starts and end it
just after the download/upload is finished.

I am confused as to how could I show this GUI/thread/ProgressBar?
Should I get "qApp" at "run" function and from threre set the widget as main
and could I do qApp->exec()? B



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Monday, August 9th 2004, 9:41pm

QThreads are not allowed to directly call GUI code, only the application's main thread, the event loop thread is allowed to.

If you just want to update a progress bar without doing anything besides updating, you can easily do this without threads using QTimer.

Anyway, if this is part of a KDE program upload and download over SSL or more specifically https can easily be handled through KIO.

You can use KIO::NetAccess for an easy API for this kind of transfers.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User




Tuesday, August 10th 2004, 4:10am

Hi anda_skoa:

That suggetion for https transfers api is okay had i known it beforehand.
What i am using is curlpp for all http transactions.

My question yesterday is actually this:

I just would like to show a progress bar gui
besides the integrated application i did in KDE-Konqueror.

KDE-Koqueror will show this progress bar while doing the https transfers.
I had a class that is based on a timer that updates the progress bar automatically.
The progress bar also is just a looping progress bar. Not dependent on anything,
as long as the transfers are taking place.

So, is it okay if I just throw in a new thread as the progress bar gui,
and be able to continue on the next statement of the code w/c will perform
the https transfer? Both running together, and from that main thead just
terminate the progress bar thread?




Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

Occupation: Software Developer

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Tuesday, August 10th 2004, 2:18pm

You can use the additional thread to do you transfer routine, you then have the even loop thread available to run the timer which updates the progress bar.

Anyway, I still think switching to KIO would be less work, as it already works, uses KDE's proxy settings and certificate handling, etc.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User