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There are 459 guests currently online

Today, 1:59pm

Who is online?

Today, 1:59pm

Thread: "International keyboard"

Today, 1:59pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:59pm

Forum: "Hardware"

Today, 1:59pm

Post in thread: "Microsoft"

Today, 1:59pm

User profile of: "kdc532"

Today, 1:59pm

Thread: "What makes iPage the Best Blog Hosting?"

Today, 1:59pm

Thread: "What's your favorite Hardware for Multimedia?"

Today, 1:58pm

Forum: "other KDE-Software"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "PS files not displayed properly."

Today, 1:58pm

Today, 1:58pm

Post in thread: "Microsoft"

Today, 1:58pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "Newbie Question - How do I get my pane back?"

Today, 1:58pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:58pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:58pm


Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "Dolphin - can't create file"

Today, 1:58pm

Main Page

Today, 1:58pm


Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "OpenOffice crashes when opening MS Word file"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "Restoring minimised windows"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "kturtle greek translation"

Today, 1:58pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "k3b"

Today, 1:58pm

Main Page

Today, 1:58pm

User profile of: "seedsgrow"

Today, 1:58pm

User profile of: "bram85"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "Brightness Adjust"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "No Panels Running kde4 Under Ubuntu"

Today, 1:58pm

Main Page

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "[kopete] change history folder"

Today, 1:58pm

Thread: "Linux Job Posting...?"

Today, 1:58pm


Today, 1:57pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "Woosnam plans retirement"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "PDF Editor for Linux?"

Today, 1:57pm

Main Page

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "amarok"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "KDE3.2 fonts look bad"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "Konqueror Bookmarks"

Today, 1:57pm

Main Page

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "how to share internet connection?"

Today, 1:57pm


Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "Mounting data CD recognized as a Music CD"

Today, 1:57pm

Main Page

Today, 1:57pm

Editing profile

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "Trying to find... [solved]"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "KDE sound"

Today, 1:57pm

Today, 1:57pm

User profile of: "galink"

Today, 1:57pm

Forum: "KDE Forum in your own language"

Today, 1:57pm

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "amarok engine setting"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "Port of KHexedit to KDE3"

Today, 1:57pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:57pm

Today, 1:57pm

User profile of: "Rab22"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "DVD Playback?"

Today, 1:57pm

Thread: "[REQUEST] Layout templating"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "kde installation"

Today, 1:56pm

Post in thread: "amarok engine setting"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "newsgroup reader"

Today, 1:56pm


Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "Edit KListViewItem"

Today, 1:56pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "Small fonts"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "binding the Win-key to K-menu"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "desktop icons met preview"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "Restoring minimised windows"

Today, 1:56pm

User profile of: "punx120"

Today, 1:56pm

Thread: "Desktop icons apeared after new login."

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Microsoft"

Today, 1:55pm

User profile of: "ShanYao"

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:55pm

User profile of: "reks"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Saving Session Settings"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "(K)PPP(D) Problem"

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:55pm

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "KDE Forum in your own language"

Today, 1:55pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "translucent text selection color"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Konqueror and Google-Ads"

Today, 1:55pm


Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "konq tabs question"

Today, 1:55pm

User profile of: "toolman1981"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "KDE causes conflict with soundcard?"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "kde help not working!"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Startup programs"

Today, 1:55pm


Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Using screen edges to close dashboard"

Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "Volume settings are always set to zero at start"

Today, 1:55pm


Today, 1:55pm

Thread: "[kopete] MSN contactlist not updating"

Today, 1:55pm

Today, 1:55pm

Post in thread: "Using screen edges to close dashboard"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "DVD Playback?"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "klipper crashing"

Today, 1:54pm

Post in thread: "Using screen edges to close dashboard"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "KDE and Win-Key"

Today, 1:54pm

User profile of: "dkaddict"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "UT 2003"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "Beneficial Tips about Your Swing movement"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "Finance homework help ,"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "Menubar themeable??"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "gpf in KDM"

Today, 1:54pm

Forum: "Administration"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "Apollon"

Today, 1:54pm

Thread: "error while running ./configure: Configuring for X..."

Today, 1:53pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:53pm

User profile of: "jack1214"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Wireless Internet Setup in KDE on SUSE Pro 9.3"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Beneficial Tips about Your Swing movement"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Linux compatible with"

Today, 1:53pm


Today, 1:53pm


Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "DNS SRV RRs for kio_*"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Kmix Crash on Start- Audio Lost (Signal 8 (SIGFPE))"

Today, 1:53pm

User profile of: "smartmenus"

Today, 1:53pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "dual screen - 2nd screen size wrong - SOLVED"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "konqueror html forms -> text field value"

Today, 1:53pm


Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Anyone know how to increase the cursor size?"

Today, 1:53pm

Thread: "Two And A Half Men Seasons 1-7"

Today, 1:53pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

Today, 1:52pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "kommander and kmdr-executor problem in kde 4.1"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "How to type Unicode characters?"

Today, 1:52pm


Today, 1:52pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "discard"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "hp 2210 - no response!?"

Today, 1:52pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:52pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:52pm


Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "War against spam"

Today, 1:52pm

User profile of: "Ziede"

Today, 1:52pm

Forum: "Administration"

Today, 1:52pm


Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "Old drag&drop behaviour gone since version 3.1.2"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "Sending msgs by hitting the Enter key"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "minimize button closes applications"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "konqueror file manager"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "No Ogg Vorbis playback after upgrading 3.4 to 3.5"

Today, 1:52pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

Today, 1:52pm

Thread: "What's your favorite Hardware for Multimedia?"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Features to add"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Amarok UPNP support"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Part of K-Menu missing"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Beneficial Tips about Your Swing movement"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Ik heb problemen met K3B"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "KDEInit can't launch text editor"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "New d-bus 0.90"

Today, 1:51pm

User profile of: "baboo"

Today, 1:51pm


Today, 1:51pm


Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Konqueror recently visited sites."

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Kicker"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "Commodity Trading Tips"

Today, 1:51pm

Thread: "C++ start"

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "Point2Play Refuses to open..."

Today, 1:50pm

Forum: "Graphics & Multimedia"

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "Menubar themeable??"

Today, 1:50pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:50pm

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "sort icons (shortcuts) in desktop"

Today, 1:50pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "Ktracker"

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "Plugin for Firefox needed"

Today, 1:50pm

Thread: "Performance problems in Kde4.1"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "konqueror html forms -> text field value"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "kscreensaver does not start !? KDE 3.1"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "startkde by startx"

Today, 1:49pm

User profile of: "Acheson4192"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "gpf in KDM"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "kicker applets in menu"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "kopete custom messages"

Today, 1:49pm

Thread: "Kicker"

Today, 1:49pm

Forum: "Graphics & Multimedia"

Today, 1:49pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:49pm

User profile of: "EnigmaX"

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "KDE cut and paste w/ VNC"

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "cant disable in wizards dlg"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "Activating User List on Themed KDM"

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "KDE"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "Kmix Crash on Start- Audio Lost (Signal 8 (SIGFPE))"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "KCMshell not accepting proper root password"

Today, 1:48pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:48pm

Thread: "What's your favorite Hardware for Multimedia?"

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:48pm

Main Page

Today, 1:48pm

Today, 1:48pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "progam install"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "KDE CVS (3.3 Alpha 1) Screenshots"

Today, 1:47pm

User profile of: "malena89"

Today, 1:47pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:47pm


Today, 1:47pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Slow system (KDE4, Kubuntu, Notebook F3Sc Asus, Nvidia 8400)"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "kTorrent webgui not displaying"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Too many Activites!!"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Developer forum?"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "KoPete. removing stupid Emotes"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Compile error using konstruct"

Today, 1:47pm

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "'send email' greyed out in reminders for korganizer"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "1500 Users and 5000 Posts"

Today, 1:47pm


Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Board Move: Hey, my profile is intact!"

Today, 1:47pm

Thread: "Audio only with Kopete in KDE 3.5."

Today, 1:46pm

Thread: "I need script for Xchat"

Today, 1:46pm

Thread: "Remove KGet icon from Konqueror's toolbar"

Today, 1:46pm

Forum: "KDE"

Today, 1:46pm

Thread: "duplicate desktop icons"

Today, 1:46pm

Thread: "Upgrade??"

Today, 1:46pm

Thread: "anyone familiar with KIO::NetAccess???"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "Changes: Administrator Team and Forum Structure"

Today, 1:45pm


Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "Changing Dekorator themes?"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "nothing starts after KDE login"

Today, 1:45pm

User profile of: "vipercanada"

Today, 1:45pm

User profile of: "wachin_id"

Today, 1:45pm


Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "Kjots"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "Konqueror not showing gif's"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "Activating links in Thunderbird"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "kde 3.3 - View full filenames?"

Today, 1:45pm

Thread: "discard"

Today, 1:44pm

Thread: "Pending Tasks"

Today, 1:44pm

Thread: "klipper crashing"

Today, 1:44pm

Main Page

Today, 1:44pm

Thread: "Newbie Question - How do I get my pane back?"

Today, 1:44pm

User profile of: "bram85"

Today, 1:44pm

Thread: "C++ start"

Today, 1:44pm

Today, 1:44pm

Thread: "Desktop icons apeared after new login."

Today, 1:43pm


Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Kopete's mysterious features"

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Ranks..."

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Old style online"

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "my ps2 mouse keep jumping around when I move it."

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Missing applictaions from KDE menu."

Today, 1:43pm

Forum: "Dutch/Nederlands"

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Modem and monitor don't like linux!"

Today, 1:43pm

User profile of: "caquiasgt"

Today, 1:43pm

Thread: "Display orientation controls greyed out"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Board and Design Update"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Saving all the Desktop Prefernces"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Kmail 4"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Casey could be back for Match Play"

Today, 1:42pm

Today, 1:42pm

Post in thread: "Developer forum?"

Today, 1:42pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Konqueror doesn't show/open jpg files"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "KDE CVS (3.3 Alpha 1) Screenshots"

Today, 1:42pm

Thread: "Vista goodies"

Today, 1:41pm

Thread: "Welkom op het Nederlands KDE-forum"

Today, 1:41pm

Thread: "suse Linux 8.0 Pro groene doos"

Today, 1:41pm

User profile of: "Shabakthanai"

Today, 1:41pm

Thread: "Setting font for non-KDE Qt apps"

Today, 1:41pm


Today, 1:41pm

User profile of: "Pollywog"

Today, 1:41pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:41pm

Forum: "Graphics & Multimedia"

Today, 1:41pm

Thread: "Problem with display output querying in KDE 4.1 (Monitor hotplug utility)"

Today, 1:40pm

Thread: "Splash screen issue"

Today, 1:40pm

Today, 1:40pm

Forum: "KDE Development"

Today, 1:40pm


Today, 1:40pm

User profile of: "jacek"

Today, 1:40pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:40pm


Today, 1:40pm


Today, 1:40pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:40pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:39pm


Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "I can't see vector icon themes"

Today, 1:39pm

Today, 1:39pm

User profile of: "ariszlo"

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "Switching identities in KDE Mail"

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "moving windows to another monitor"

Today, 1:39pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:39pm

Main Page

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "Legacy Konqueror compatibility in AJaX"

Today, 1:39pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "Can Icons be Displayed Conditionally?"

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "installing packages and downloads"

Today, 1:39pm

Thread: "Kopete crashes on message (aim)"

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "Konqueror file manager background image"

Today, 1:38pm

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "sound system & notifications not working but soundcard does work"

Today, 1:38pm

User profile of: "seb"

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "Project management. Mr. Project"

Today, 1:38pm

User profile of: "shengchieh"

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "KDE3.4 Cygwin Problems with Konsole"

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "Removing Titlebar"

Today, 1:38pm

Thread: "Contact list problems with Kopete"

Today, 1:38pm

User profile of: "ravi.xolve"

Today, 1:38pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "login and konqueror issues after upgrade"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Linux Command Problems & Questions"

Today, 1:37pm

User profile of: "toad"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Kmail and Kaddressbook don't see each other"

Today, 1:37pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:37pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "[kopete] what is the group "Not in your contact list"?"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Who wants to moderate the Internet & Network forum???"

Today, 1:37pm

Main Page

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Slickbar theme"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Kjots"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Using screen edges to close dashboard"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "OSD Volume, how to change it?"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Tips for Plasma in 4.1"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "kde reageert niet meer op toetsenbord na ongeveer 10min"

Today, 1:37pm

Thread: "Favourite Browser (vote)"

Today, 1:36pm

Forum: "other KDE-Software"

Today, 1:36pm

Main Page

Today, 1:36pm

Thread: "Strange Kopete behaviour (0.7.3)"

Today, 1:36pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:36pm

Today, 1:36pm


Today, 1:36pm

Thread: "[kopete] Can't get aim to stay connected"

Today, 1:36pm

Thread: "global experience level setting"

Today, 1:36pm

Thread: "[Kopete] Chat log"

Today, 1:36pm

Thread: "Why doesn't file-association stick?"

Today, 1:35pm


Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "KDE TrueType Font installation under Red Hat 8.0"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "Mac OS bar Icon problem"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "Konqueror and Hotmail"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "Two rows of icons on system tray"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "Plasma Konsole"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "kde 3.5.9 and konqueror"

Today, 1:35pm


Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "KDE says no soundcard was detected"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "kde doesn't behave in dual head when playing movies / screen blanks"

Today, 1:35pm

Thread: "Tear off menues in KDE3.1"

Today, 1:35pm

Today, 1:34pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:34pm

Legal Notice

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "How to display or print in clear text UID/PW values stored in Kwalletmanager"

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "i can't launch applications with sudo"

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "Widget theme license question"

Today, 1:34pm

User profile of: "jorey5w5"

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "Small fonts"

Today, 1:34pm

Forum: "other KDE-Software"

Today, 1:34pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:34pm

User profile of: "ramseyrt"

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "International keyboard"

Today, 1:34pm

Thread: "Games run slow"

Today, 1:33pm

Thread: "Kmail links open cache (file://) instead of URI"

Today, 1:33pm

Forum: "Administration"

Today, 1:33pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:33pm


Today, 1:33pm

Thread: "1500 Users and 5000 Posts"

Today, 1:33pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:32pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:32pm

Thread: "New user and password changing."

Today, 1:32pm

Main Page

Today, 1:32pm

Thread: "Large icon in KMenu?"

Today, 1:32pm

Today, 1:32pm

Today, 1:32pm

Thread: "Letters filled with image"

Today, 1:32pm

Thread: "Format of Konqueror's History"

Today, 1:32pm

Thread: "to much crap on this forum"

Today, 1:32pm

User profile of: "jelliebellie"

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "KDE & RPM"

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: " missing...."

Today, 1:31pm

Main Page

Today, 1:31pm


Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "Deleted contacts keep reappearing"

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "Intraday tips"

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "Theme file for default has no name"

Today, 1:31pm

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "Turning of the desktop panels. ALL OF THEM"

Today, 1:31pm

Who is online?

Today, 1:31pm

Main Page

Today, 1:31pm

Thread: "Smalltalk"

Today, 1:30pm

Forum: "KDE 4 Brainstorm"

Today, 1:30pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:30pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:30pm

Thread: "ultracopier in kde project, how do it?"

Today, 1:30pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

Today, 1:30pm

Thread: "Oxygen style tabs?"

Today, 1:30pm

Today, 1:30pm

Thread: "Konquorer Configure"

Today, 1:30pm


Today, 1:30pm

Thread: "[Kopete] Can't see AIM contacts??"

Today, 1:30pm

Reading private message

Today, 1:30pm

Forum: "Administration"

Today, 1:29pm


Today, 1:29pm


Today, 1:29pm

Thread: "Konqueror folder problem"

Today, 1:29pm

Thread: "[Konsole] 1.92 shortcuts missing?"

Today, 1:29pm

Thread: "printing too many copies"

Today, 1:29pm


Today, 1:29pm

Thread: "Anti-Aliasing crashes on Mobility Radeon"

Today, 1:29pm

Forum: "Graphics & Multimedia"

Today, 1:29pm

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "[Kopete]"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "removing icons from desktop"

Today, 1:28pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "newbie has problems connecting to the internet"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "A google search of Children Painting"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "i need help with KDE"

Today, 1:28pm

Forum: "Internet & Network"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "Konqueror and playing multimedia off the web"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "importing evolution into Kmail"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "[Konsole] 1.92 shortcuts missing?"

Today, 1:28pm

Forum: "KDE Development"

Today, 1:28pm

Thread: "Display orientation controls greyed out"

Today, 1:27pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "Beneficial Tips about Your Swing movement"

Today, 1:27pm

User profile of: "bra"

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "File editing for a dummy"

Today, 1:27pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:27pm

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "Configuring KDE menus - Remastering"

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "Staus reason (icq) in Kopete .7.3/.7.4"

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "Noatun buffer time"

Today, 1:27pm

Thread: "Sub-Launcher in Kocker"

Today, 1:27pm

Forum: "Forum Feedback"

Today, 1:27pm

User profile of: "FLouer"

Today, 1:26pm


Today, 1:26pm

Thread: "Developer forum?"

Today, 1:26pm

Forum: "Installation & Configuration"

Today, 1:26pm

Post in thread: "Noatun buffer time"

Today, 1:26pm

User profile of: "jdolphina"

Today, 1:26pm

Thread: "change konqueror background"

Today, 1:26pm

Forum: "other KDE-Software"

Today, 1:26pm

User profile of: "muczy"

Today, 1:26pm

Forum: "Distributions"

Today, 1:26pm


Today, 1:26pm

Thread: "financehomeworkhelp dot webs dot com , financial management assignment help"

Today, 1:26pm

Thread: "C++ start"

Today, 1:26pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

Today, 1:26pm

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Today, 1:26pm

User profile of: "BitzXooX"

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Thread: "financehomeworkhelp dot webs dot com , financial management assignment help"

Today, 1:25pm

Thread: "[Kopete] Contact list icons very pixelated"

Today, 1:25pm

Thread: "newbie here"

Today, 1:25pm

Thread: "Konqueror and Google-Ads"

Today, 1:25pm

Thread: "Initial position & size of Konqueror window"

Today, 1:25pm

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Today, 1:25pm

Thread: "Problem with KPRocIO"

Today, 1:25pm


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Today, 1:25pm


Today, 1:25pm

Forum: "Styles, Icons, Themes, Addons"

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