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The last 5 posts


Friday, October 19th 2007, 6:38pm

By kde-forum33

forum is the way to split up your questions into different topics and post them in the appropiate sub you can clear their opinion abount that topic.
That keeps the thread about your questions readable and guarantees more/better answers


Saturday, June 2nd 2007, 10:40pm

By Rinse


I have never used the forum before.

The best way to work with a forum is to split up your questions into different topics and post them in the appropiate sub forums.
That keeps the thread about your questions readable and guarantees more/better answers

Regards, Rinse


Saturday, June 2nd 2007, 3:46pm

By Shabakthanai

RE: Maintenance --> Software-Update

I have never used the forum before. I am new to Kubuntu Linux. I am older and with fading memory. I will try to be as short and accurate as I am able.

Feisty 7.04 - Adept Manager. There is a process running in the background that keeps me from being able to add and remove anything.

I have tried: ps -ewf| grep adept|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'

to list the processes using Adept. then,

sudo kill -9 <+the numbers for the processes>

However after removing the offending processes, a new process number appears that is 12 higher than the previous and the system remains locked.

Any ideas?


Monday, September 4th 2006, 5:14pm

By §igma


Update is done.

Please report errors in this thread!

thanks a lot

kind regards


Monday, September 4th 2006, 4:32pm

By §igma

Maintenance --> Software-Update

Hi together,

in the next hours i'm doing an update of the boardsoftware.

so please stand by and wait for a while.

kind regards