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Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 6:17pm

[kopete] now listening

I am using kopete 0.12 and kde 3.5.1 on a SUSE10.0 box. My media player is amarok 1.3.8. Configuring the "now listening"-plugin does not work at all. I want the plugin to show the following pattern as my status message (I set the plugin for using amarok as specific media player):

Kultur: %artist | %track

However, this pattern is only shown for about half a secind after the track changes. The nezt moment, it is reset to

Now Listening: %track - %artist (%album)

What can I do to get the plugin working properly? If I send the information using /media in the chatwindow, it is displayed properly as

Kultur: %artist | %track

Any help is appreciated.


Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 10:07pm

Well, after restarting kopete, the plugin now works correctly, at least most of the time. The away message is now displayed as configured. But as soon I advance to the next track in my amarok playlist, it once again changes to

Now Listening: %track - %artist (%album)

It doesn't matter, if the former track has finished and the next one is being played or if I manually advance to the next track during playback of the former one. I have to restart kopete again to have the plugin display the message correctly.

So, I am still looking for a solution to get it work properly.


Wednesday, February 8th 2006, 8:19pm

You may want to give this a try :…stening-plugin/

Didn't try it and there is obviously room for improvement left, but the same seems to apply to the kopete plugins you're using atm.


Thursday, February 9th 2006, 7:57am

I finally found out that my status message is correctly displayed. My contacts see what I configured to be my status message. Only kopete's stauts bar is not displaying what I want to be displayed. Somewhat ugly, but I'll be able to ignore it as long as my contacts see the proper message.